Sunday, June 26, 2016

week 1: Two Cultures

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Week 1: Two Cultures

Hello, my name is Jake Perlstein and I am a Sophomore from Northern California. I come from a very math/science oriented family. My father is a Trauma Surgeon, and My Grandfather and Great Grandfather were both Engineers. C.P. Snow’s “Two Cultures” essay exemplifies the intellectual and scientific culture. He strongly believes that our society needs to bridge the gap between the two through our educational system, the third culture.


It appears to me that after reading “The Two Cultures”, Snow’s reason for writing it was to prove that we needed a change in our educational system sothat there is improved communication between scientists and humanists. His perspective is that there is a separation between science and the arts. He remarked that “literary intellectuals” who can’t define what are considered basic terms in Physics—”mass,” “acceleration,”  I feel that as a student at U.C.L.A.  I can relate to his comment because I not only enjoyed, but have done well academically in my Calculus, Life Science and Astronomy courses. However, my English class was a different story. U.C.L.A. segregates the arts and sciences geographically on their campus, the north vs. the south and students will earn either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree. I am more comfortable in classrooms on the south end of U.C.L.A. However, reading the material this week has made me realize that I need to engage more in the Arts to gain a better understanding and broaden my educational experience at U.C.L.A.


After reading Vesna’s article, “Third Culture: Being in Between,” it made me think, have we reached our breaking point? But, I believe that as long as we have people that keep challenging, asking questions, and doing research the end of science is not on the horizon. Science and the arts cannot exist without one another. Kevin Kelley points this out when he says “while science sat in the cultural backseat, its steady output of wonderful products—radio, TV, and computer chips—furiously bred a pop culture based on the arts.”

At the 50-year anniversary mark of C.P. Snow’s essay about the two cultures, it could not go unnoticed that a big gap still existed between the rich and the poor. Snow believed that by the year 2000 there would no longer be poor people because they would know the secret to getting rich. But the reality today is that there is a huge gap and the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer.


                                                     By Michael Ayres|March 31, 2014

 Works Cited

Kelly, Kevin. “The Third Culture.” Science 279.5353 (1998): 992-993. Print.

 “Our Two Cultures.” Web. 23 June 2016.

Snow, C.P. “Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution.” Reading. 1959. New York: Cambridge UP, 1961. Print.

"The Two Cultures." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 23 June. 2016.

Vesna, Victoria. “Toward a Third Culture Being in Between.” Leonardo 34.2 (2001) 121-25. Print

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